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Design Overview

The frontend represents the "view" part of the Model-View-Controller architecture in regard to the overall MISP project. Therefore we do not have a very complex architecture.


All components placed inside the src/lib/components directory (Components box in the uml diagram) are atomic, meaning they do not create any side effects and are usually (close to) stateless. As a way to achieve a similar effect to inheritance between components, dependency injection is used throughout the application. As an example, a RelativeDatePill is a kind of DatePill wich is a Pill. This kind of "inheritance" is achieved by injecting the more generalized components into the more specific components.


Communication with the API is achieved via the browser Fetch API. The library openapi-fetch is used to automatically ensure type safety for all API calls according to the agreed upon OpenAPI spec. We build an adapter around that function to be able to enable and disable specific api methods. There is a custom wrapper around that function to provide advanced capabilities like the option to enable and disable specific HTTP methods. HTTP methods are configurable with the PUBLIC_REST_DISABLED environment variable. The format is {[httpMethod]: boolean}

The API auth key (PUBLIC_MISP_KEY) and the MISP API endpoint (PUBLIC_MISP_API_ENDPOINT) are provided via environment variables, and are required to exist.


When the app loads, the file checks if a token is set in the localStorage. If it is set, the user gets redirected to the default page. If it isn't set, the user gets redirected to the /login page instead.


All the application state is centralized in the stores.ts file via Svelte Stores. All stores are global singletons that can be accessed throughout the application.

The exported stores are:

  • settings: All settings of the application. The possible values are user-configurable. The settings page will generate the correct layout from this object.
  • mode: "view" or "edit"
  • currentRoute: The route currently displayed.
  • actionBarEntries: All entries that are supposed to be shown inside the ActionBar.
  • user: The current user with permissions. The type of this value is extracted from the OpenAPI specification.


The initial design work was done with Figma. A prototype is visible here.


The application is built as a SvelteKit application, but without using any of SvelteKit's server functionality. Please refer to the docs.