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UML Representation of /admin

Uses SideMenuEntry.

Displays the admin page with all subpages.


UML Representation of /admin/OIDConnect

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all current providers.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: { id: string; name: string; org_id: string; active: boolean; base_url: string; client_id: string; client_secret: string; scope?: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; maxCount: number; }

Page data of the provider table


UML Representation of /admin/OIDConnect/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays information about a specific provider, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; provider: { id: string; name: string; org_id: string; active: boolean; base_url: string; client_id: string; client_secret: string; scope?: string | undefined; }; left: (Writable<...> | ... 1 more ... | Writable<...>)[]; }

Page data containing data of the providers with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /admin/OIDConnect/new

Uses DynCard, Form, Input, Checkbox.

Displays a form to add a new OpenID provider.


UML Representation of /admin/keys

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays the list of all user keys.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; header: (Writable<TableHead<{ AuthKey: { id: string; uuid: string; authkey_start: string; authkey_end: string; created: string; expiration: string; read_only: boolean; user_id: string; comment?: string | undefined; allowed_ips?: string[] | undefined; unique_ips...

Page data containing data of the keys


UML Representation of /admin/keys/[id]

Uses List, Form, Card, DynCard, ListEdit.

Displays information about a specific auth key, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; key: never; left: (Writable<TableHead<never, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<string, unknown>> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; }

Page data containing the data of the key with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /admin/keys/new

Uses DynCard, Checkbox, Form, Select, Input, InputWithCheckbox.

Displays the form for creating a new key.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data


UML Representation of /admin/servers

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all remote servers of the instance.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: never; tableData: never; header: (Writable<TableHead<never, HrefPill__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & DynTableHeadExtent> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; topMenuActions: ActionBarEntryProps[]; editActions: DynCardActionHeader<...>[]; }

Page data containing data of the servers


UML Representation of /admin/servers/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays information about a specific remote server, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing data of the servers with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /admin/servers/new

Uses DynCard, Form, Input.

Displays a form to add a new remote server.


UML Representation of /admin/users

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all users of the instance.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: { User: { id: number; org_id: number; server_id: number; email: string; autoalert: boolean; auth_key?: string | undefined; invited_by: number; ... 27 more ...; notification: boolean; }; Role: { ...; }; Organisation: { ...; }; UserSetting?: Record<...> | u...

Page data containing data of the users table.


UML Representation of /admin/users/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays information about a specific user, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; user: { User: { User: { id: number; org_id: number; server_id: number; email: string; autoalert: boolean; auth_key?: string | undefined; invited_by: number; ... 27 more ...; notification: boolean; }; Role: { ...; }; Organisation: { ...; }; UserSetting?: Record<...

Page data containing data of the users with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /admin/users/new

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays a form to add a new user.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; roles: { Roles: { id: number; name: string; created?: string | undefined; modified?: string | undefined; perm_add: boolean; perm_modify: boolean; ... 30 more ...; default?: boolean | undefined; }[]; Organisations: { ...; }[]; }; header: (Writable<...> | ... 3 m...


UML Representation of /admin/workflowSettings

Uses Checkbox, SettingsEntry.

Represents a menu for admin-right restricted settings regarding workflows

  • Contains a toggle-switch which allows for enabling/disabling workflows globally


data: { [x: string]: any; }


UML Representation of /attributes

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all attributes.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data of the attribute table


UML Representation of /attributes/[id]

Uses Card, CardHeading, DynCard, Form, TagCollection, AddTagForm.

Displays information about an attribute specified by 'id', allows adding of tags.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing the data of the attribute with the 'id' in the url.


UML Representation of /attributes/new

Uses DynCard, Form, Card, CardHeading, TagCollection, AddTagForm.

Displays the form for creating a new attribute.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data


UML Representation of /events

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all events.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; header: (Writable<TableHead<{ id: string; org_id: string; date: string; info: string; uuid: string; published: boolean; analysis: string; attribute_count: string; ... 15 more ...; EventTag?: { ...; }[] | undefined; } & { ...; }, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefin...

Page data


UML Representation of /events/[id]

Uses Card, CardHeading, AddTagForm, TagCollection.

This Page will display the event with a DynCard component. The header will be generated by the formHeaders depending on the mode.

The Galaxies and Tags will be displayed with a PillCollection. The EventGraph will be displayed with the EventGraph component. The Attributes are basically a DynTable

The update of the event will be handled by a form inside of this page, that is a wrapper around some DynCards. Therefore the "name" from from any inputted component will be used to calculate the final object we will send to the server.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing the data of the event with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /events/[id]/attributes

Uses FilterCard, Info, DatePill, LookupPill, Pill, PillCollection, ComplexTableLayout.

Displays attributes for an 'id' specified event.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data of the attribute for the specified event


UML Representation of /events/[id]/attributes/new

Uses DynCard, Select, Input, Form.

Displays the form for creating a new attribute.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data


UML Representation of /events/[id]/galaxies

Uses AddGalaxyClusterForm, GalaxyCollection, Card, CardHeading.

Displays the form for editing the galaxy cluster of an event.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data of the galaxy form.


UML Representation of /events/[id]/graph

Uses EventGraph.

Displays the event graph.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data of the event graph


UML Representation of /events/new

Uses DynCard, Form, Input, Select.

Displays the form for creating a new event.


UML Representation of /galaxies

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

A list of all galaxies.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; tableData: ({ id: string; uuid: string; name: string; type: string; description: string; version: string; icon: string; namespace: string; kill_chain_order?: string | undefined; enabled: boolean; local_only: boolean; } & { ...; })[]; header: (Writable<...> | .....

Page data of the galaxy table.


UML Representation of /galaxies/[id]

Uses DynCard, ComplexTableLayout.

Information about an galaxy specified by 'id', including a list of its clusters.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; galaxy: { Galaxy: { id: string; uuid: string; name: string; type: string; description: string; version: string; icon: string; namespace: string; kill_chain_order?: string | undefined; enabled: boolean; local_only: boolean; }; GalaxyCluster: { ...; }[]; }; heade...

Page data containing the data and cluster overview of the galaxy with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /galaxies/[id]/export

Uses Button, DynCard, Checkbox, Form, Select.

Displays the form for exporting a galaxy.


UML Representation of /galaxies/[id]/new_cluster

Uses Form, KeyValueEditor, DynCard, Input, PillCollection, Picker, LookupPill, Select.

Displays the form for creating a new galaxy cluster.


UML Representation of /galaxies/clusters


UML Representation of /galaxies/clusters/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form, KeyValueEditor, DynTable.

Displays a galaxy cluster specified by 'id', including its elements.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; cardData: any; leftCardHeader: (Writable<TableHead<any, Input__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<...>> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; rightCardHeader: (Writable<...> | ... 2 more ... | Writable<...>)[]; tableData: any; tableHeader: Writable<...>[]; }

Page data containing the galaxy cluster to display with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /galaxies/import

Uses Button, Card.

Displays a freetext import for importing galaxies.


UML Representation of /logs

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

A list of all Logs that MISP creates. Contains following information about the logs:

  • ID
  • IP
  • E-Mail
  • Organisation
  • Created (timestamp)
  • Model
  • Model-ID
  • Action
  • Title
  • Change


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: never; tableData: never; header: Writable<TableHead<never, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & DynTableHeadExtent>[]; editActions: DynCardActionHeader<...>[]; maxCount: number; }


UML Representation of /logs/view/[id]

Uses DynCard.

A list of all properties of a specific log entry. Contains following information about the logs:

  • ID
  • IP
  • E-Mail
  • Organisation
  • Created (timestamp)
  • Model
  • Model-ID
  • Action
  • Title
  • Change
  • Description
  • User-ID


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; log: any; infoHeader: (Writable<TableHead<any, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<string, unknown>> | Writable<...>)[]; }


UML Representation of /settings

Uses SideMenuEntry.

Displays the settings page with all subpages.


UML Representation of /settings/information

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays the information settings page.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; header: (Writable<TableHead<unknown, Input__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<string, unknown>> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | undefined)[]; data: { ...; }; title: string; description: string; userid: number | undefined; }

Page data containing information about the user.


UML Representation of /settings/security

Uses DynCard, Form, ComplexTableLayout.

Displays the information security settings page.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; userId: number | undefined; card: { header: Writable<TableHead<unknown, Input__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<...>>[]; data: { ...; } | undefined; }; table: { ...; }; }

Page data containing security information about the user.


UML Representation of /settings/security/[id]

Uses List, Form, Card, DynCard, ListEdit.

Displays information about auth keys, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; key: never; left: (Writable<TableHead<never, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<string, unknown>> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; }

Page data containing the data of the auth keys.


UML Representation of /settings/security/new

Uses DynCard, Checkbox, Form, Input, InputWithCheckbox.

Displays the form for creating a new auth key.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing the form for new auth keys


UML Representation of /settings/visual

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays the visual information settings page.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; header: (Writable<TableHead<unknown, Checkbox__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<string, unknown>> | Writable<...>)[]; data: { ...; }[]; title: string; description: string; }

Page data containing visual information about the users preferences.


UML Representation of /statistics

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays the statistics page.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; header: Writable<TableHead<unknown, undefined> & Record<string, unknown>>[]; data: { Events: { estimated_count: string; }; ... 10 more ...; Discussion_posts: { ...; }; }[]; title: string; description: string; }

Page data containing usage data information.


UML Representation of /statistics/activity_heatmap

Uses Heatmap.

Displays the activity heatmap.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; heatmapData: { date: string; value: number; }[]; settings: {}; title: string; description: string; dropdown: { options: { label: string; value: string; }[]; }; }

Page data containing the activity heatmap.


UML Representation of /statistics/attribute_histogram

Uses Histogram.

Displays the Attribute Histogramm.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; histogramData: { label: string; values: { label: string; value: number; }[]; }[]; dataTypes: { label: string; color: string; }[]; }

Page data containing the Attribute Histogramm.


UML Representation of /statistics/organisations

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

A list of all the organisations available to the user.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; tableData: { id: string; name: string; users: string; attributes: string; events: string; date_created: number; date_modified: number; description: string; ... 8 more ...; landingpage: string; }[]; header: (Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; editActions: DynCard...

Page data of the organisations table.


UML Representation of /statistics/organisations/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays information about an organisation specified by 'id'.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; user: { id: string; name: string; colour: string; exportable: boolean; org_id?: string | undefined; user_id?: string | undefined; hide_tag?: boolean | undefined; ... 5 more ...; attribute_count: number; }; header: Writable<...>[]; title: string; description: st...

Page data containing the data of the organisation with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /tags

Uses FilterCard, ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a combined list of the tags of all events.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: { Tag: { id: string; name: string; colour: string; exportable: boolean; org_id?: string | undefined; user_id?: string | undefined; hide_tag?: boolean | undefined; numerical_value?: string | undefined; is_galaxy?: boolean | undefined; is_custom_galaxy?: bo...

Page data containing the tags table.


UML Representation of /tags/[id]

Uses DynCard, Form.

Displays information about an tag specified by 'id'.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; user: { id: string; name: string; colour: string; exportable: boolean; org_id?: string | undefined; user_id?: string | undefined; hide_tag?: boolean | undefined; ... 5 more ...; attribute_count: number; }; header: (Writable<...> | ... 1 more ... | Writable<...>...

Page data containing the data of the tag with the 'id' in the url


UML Representation of /workflows

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a list of all workflows.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing the workflows table


UML Representation of /workflows/[id]

Uses DynCard, Flow, Card.

Displays information of a workflow specified by 'id', including an interactive node-based diagram for visualization.


data: { [x: string]: any; }

Page data containing the data of the workflow with the 'id' in the url.


UML Representation of /workflows/blueprints

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

A list of all imported/created workflow-blueprints ordered in a table view. Contains following attributes for each blueprint:

  • ID
  • UUID
  • Name
  • Default
  • Description
  • Timestamp


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; tableData: { id?: string | undefined; uuid?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; timestamp?: string | undefined; default?: boolean | undefined; data?: string | undefined; }[]; header: (Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[...


UML Representation of /workflows/blueprints/[id]

Uses DynCard.

Display of all the information about a specific workflow-blueprint.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; blueprint: Blueprint; infoHeader: (Writable<TableHead<Blueprint, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<...>> | Writable<...>)[]; }


UML Representation of /workflows/blueprints/import

Uses DynCard, Form, Input.

Page with an input form for importing a new workflow blueprint by typing in the JSON representation of the new one


UML Representation of /workflows/modules

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a table of all workflow modules except triggers.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; data: Module[]; tableData: Module[]; header: (Writable<TableHead<Module, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & DynTableHeadExtent> | Writable<...>)[]; editActions: DynCardActionHeader<...>[]; }

Page data containing the workflows table


UML Representation of /workflows/modules/[id]

Uses DynCard.

Displays information about a specific user, specified by id.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; module: Module; infoHeader: (Writable<TableHead<Module, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<...>> | Writable<...>)[]; title: string; description: string; }

Page data of an module specified by id in the url


UML Representation of /workflows/triggers

Uses ComplexTableLayout.

Displays a table with all workflow triggers.


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; tableData: Trigger[]; header: (Writable<TableHead<Trigger, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & DynTableHeadExtent> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; editActions: DynCardActionHeader<...>[]; }

Page data containing the workflow triggers table


UML Representation of /workflows/triggers/[id]

Uses DynCard.

Displays information about a workflow trigger specified by id, including an interactive node-based diagram for visualizing the workflow


data: { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; [x: symbol]: any; trigger: Trigger; infoHeader: (Writable<TableHead<Trigger, Info__SvelteComponent_ | undefined> & Record<...>> | Writable<...> | Writable<...> | Writable<...>)[]; workflowHeader: (Writable<...> | ... 2 more ... | Writable<...>)[]; }

Page data of a workflow trigger specified by id in the url


UML Representation of /login

Uses Button, Input, OidcButton.

Provides a login flow via username and password. Stores the generated authentication token in localStorage, allowing the user to stay logged in after closing the page.


data: PageData


UML Representation of /login/oidc/[name]/callback


data: { [x: string]: any; }


UML Representation of /login/setPassword/[email]

Uses Button, Input.

Displays the set password page.