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UML Representation of CallbackEntry

Uses ActionBarEntry.

An ActionBarEntry with an on:click callback action associated with it.


label: string

The label of this ActionBar entry.

icon: string

The icon of this ActionBar entry.

action: () => void

Callback function that is executed on click.

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the action cannot be clicked.

class: string | undefined

The class of this ActionBar entry.


UML Representation of ActionBar

Uses CallbackEntry, HrefEntry.

The action bar contains actions that can be performed when in edit mode.


entries: ActionBarEntryProps[]

Actions that are displayed.


UML Representation of ActionBarEntryTemplate


disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the action cannot be clicked.

class: string | undefined

The class of this ActionBar entry.





UML Representation of ActionBarEntry

Uses ActionBarEntryTemplate.

Represents one of the entries of the ActionBar.


label: string

The label of this ActionBar entry.

icon: string

The icon of this ActionBar entry.

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the action cannot be clicked.

class: string | undefined

The class of this ActionBar entry.


UML Representation of HrefEntry

Uses ActionBarEntry.

An ActionBarEntry that acts as a link to the specified URL.


label: string

The label of this ActionBar entry.

icon: string

The icon of this ActionBar entry.

action: string | undefined

URL for hyperlink

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the action cannot be clicked.

class: string | undefined

The class of this ActionBar entry.

UML Representation of Breadcrumbs

Displays a breadcrumb trail with the given routes.


routes: Route[] | undefined

The route that will be displayed in the breadcrumbs.


UML Representation of Pill

A pill component. A pill is a small rounded rectangle with a label and/or text and/or icon.


The content of the pill. If no slot is provided, the text prop will be used.


label: string | undefined

The label of the pill. Will be placed on the left side of the pill. The background of the label is bg-crust.

text: string | undefined

The text of the pill. Will be placed in the middle of the pill.

icon: string | undefined

The icon of the pill. Will be placed on the left side of the pill. If a label is present, the icon will be placed on the left side of the label.

class: string | undefined

Class that should be applied to the pill.

style: string | undefined

Some style overrides. When possible, the class prop should be used instead.

action: { icon: string; class?: string | undefined; onClick: () => void; } | undefined

Define the action icon. Icon is the icon name from iconify. onClick is the on:click event. class is a class overload.

title: string | undefined

Pill tooltip




UML Representation of Boolean

Uses Pill.

Displays a boolean value as a text using the Pill component. The background is green if the value is true and red if the value is false.


isTrue: string | boolean | undefined

Displays a boolean value as a text using the Pill component. Also parses strings to booleans. String must be either 'true' or 'false'.

class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to the Pill component.


UML Representation of Input

The default input component. A prefix icon can be added inside of the icon slot, and/or a suffix icon in the suffix slot.

In order to use this component in forms, the name prop should be set.

You can also set the value prop, if you want to set an initial value. Or bind to it if you want to use this outside of a form. You can also set the placeholder prop, if you want to set an placeholder.


placeholder: string | undefined

Placeholder of the input.

name: string | undefined

The name of the input. Used for the label and for form submission.

value: string | undefined

The current value of the input.

icon: string | undefined

The icon to be displayed inside of the input.

type: HTMLInputTypeAttribute | undefined

The type of the input.

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the input is disabled an cannot be changed.

required: boolean | undefined

Whether the input is required.

class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied.

title: string | undefined

The title to apply to the input.

setValue: ((value: string) => void) | undefined





blur: FocusEvent

focus: FocusEvent

value: CustomEvent<string>

formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, string>>


UML Representation of HrefPill

Uses Pill.

A pill component that acts as a link. This pill's text will be blue:


label: string | undefined

The label of the pill. Will be placed on the left side of the pill. The background of the label is bg-crust.

text: string | undefined

The text of the pill. Will be placed in the middle of the pill.

icon: string | undefined

The icon of the pill. Will be placed on the left side of the pill. If a label is present, the icon will be placed on the left side of the label.

href: string

The target URL of the pill, which will be navigated to when the pill is clicked.

target: HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget | undefined

The target browsing context i.e. where to open the URL.

style: string | undefined

Some style overrides.

enforceTextColor: boolean | undefined

Whether to force the text to be blue.

action: { icon: string; class?: string | undefined; onClick: () => void; } | undefined

Action of this pill


UML Representation of Checkbox

A checkbox component. In order to receive changes, the checked prop can be reactively bound or the on:change event can be listened to for changes.


Uses some tailwind css trickery to make the checkbox value to look like a switch. Basically hides the input and sets the focus state via the label. The div is the actual switch and is moved via the peer-checked class where the peer class is set in the input.


checked: boolean

Whether the checkbox is checked or not.

name: string | undefined

The form name of this checkbox.

disabled: boolean | undefined

If true, the checkbox can't be toggled.


change: Event

formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, boolean>>


UML Representation of Info

Displays a text with a default background color of surface1. Also sets the default padding and border radius. You can override this by passing your own classes.


text: string | undefined

The text to be displayed.

class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied.




UML Representation of DatePill

Uses Pill.

Displays a date in a pill with the default format. The date format can be configured in the config.ts file.


date: Date | null

The date of the to be displayed.

onNullText: string | undefined

The text that should be displayed if the date is null.

label: string | undefined

Label of the DatePill

icon: string | undefined

Icon of the pill, defaults to a clock

class: string | undefined

Class that should be applied to the pill.


UML Representation of RelativeDatePill

Uses DatePill.

Displays a relative date in a pill. The color of the pill is based on the date.

  • If the date is in the past, the pill will be red.
  • If the date is over one week in the future, the pill will be green.
  • If the date is less then one week in the future, the pill will be orange.


date: Date | null

The date of the to be displayed.

onNullText: string | undefined

The text that should be displayed if the date is null.


UML Representation of PillCollection

Uses Pill.

Displays a collection of pills. The pill component that should be used for each pill can be specified by setting the base prop.


Generics: T extends PillProps

pills: T[]

The Pills that should be displayed.

base: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<T, any, any>> | undefined

The pill component to be used for each pill.

class: string | undefined

The class of the pill wrapper.


UML Representation of InputWithCheckbox

Uses Checkbox, Input.


inputProps: { placeholder?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; value?: string | undefined; icon?: string | undefined; type?: HTMLInputTypeAttribute | undefined; ... 4 more ...; setValue?: ((value: string) => void) | undefined; }

The props for the input.

checked: boolean | undefined

Default value for the checkbox.


UML Representation of Select

A select component that uses the native select element. The options are passed as a prop and the value is bound to the value prop. The options prop should be anas const array of objects with a value and a label property to allow full type safety.


Generics: T extends string

options: readonly { value: T; label: string; }[]

The options of the select. The value is the value of the option and the label is the label of the option.

value: T | undefined

The value that is currently selected. Because of the template variable, full type safety should be enforced if using consts as options.

name: string | undefined

Name of this select element. Used for forms.

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, selection is disabled.

changeCallback: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLSelectElement> | undefined

Function that gets called when the selected value changes. For most use cases, you should prefer value binding over this.

class: string | undefined

The class of the select element.


formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, string>>


UML Representation of Button

A button with a slot for content.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.

prefixIcon: string | undefined

The prefix icon to be displayed inside of the input.

suffixIcon: string | undefined

The suffix icon to be displayed inside of the input.

type: "button" | "reset" | "submit" | null | undefined

Specify the button type. Default is button




click: MouseEvent


UML Representation of LookupPill

Uses Pill.

Converts the value given by the value prop to an entry from the options lookup array and displays the result as a pill.


value: number | undefined

The index corresponding to the entry in the options array.

options: { label?: string | undefined; text?: string | undefined; icon?: string | undefined; class?: string | undefined; style?: string | undefined; action?: { icon: string; class?: string | undefined; onClick: () => void; } | undefined; title?: string | undefined; }[]

Array with props of Pills, indexed by value.

class: string | undefined

The class of the pill.


UML Representation of Picker

Uses Pill.

An input for picking from a list of pre-defined items.


pickedItems: PickerPill[] | undefined

The items that have been picked.

pickableItems: PickerPill[] | undefined

The items that can be picked.

placeholder: string | undefined

Placeholder of the input.

popUpClass: string | undefined

Popup Class Override

name: string | undefined

The name of the input. Used for form submission.

disabled: boolean | undefined

When true, the picker cannot be used.

maxAutoComplete: number | undefined

Max Elements to show for Autocomplete

arbitraryInput: ((x: string) => PickerPill) | undefined

Allow inputting arbitrary

matchFunction: ((pill: PickerPill, value: string) => boolean | undefined) | undefined

Override the match function while typing in the input


The pill


the input value


true if the pill should match the value


formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, PickerPill[]>>

update: CustomEvent<PickerPill[]>


UML Representation of TagPicker

Uses Picker.


pickedItems: PickerPill[] | undefined

The tags that got picket. Should probably bind to this.

name: string | undefined

Form name of the picker.


formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, PickerPill[]>>


UML Representation of ActiveEntry

Uses ActionBarEntry.

An ActionBarEntry with an on:click callback action associated with it.


label: string

The label of this ActionBar entry.

icon: string

The icon of this ActionBar entry.

active: boolean | undefined

Is this entry active. You should bind to this

class: string | undefined

The class of this ActionBar entry.


click: MouseEvent


UML Representation of Card

A card with a slot for content. Sets the default padding and border radius. You can override this by passing your own classes.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.

title: string | undefined

Title of this component.




UML Representation of CardRow

This component should be used to display rows inside of a Card.

It's recommended to only use up to two children in the slot, which will be displayed at both ends of the row.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.




UML Representation of CardHeading


class: string | undefined




UML Representation of AddGalaxyClusterForm

Uses Card, CardRow, Checkbox, Select, CardHeading, Picker.


selection: PickerPill<{ local_only: boolean; relation: string; }>[] | undefined

The tags that can be picked.

relation: "Unspecified" | undefined

The relation of the tags.

local_only: boolean | undefined

If the tags should be local only.


formValue: CustomEvent<Record<string, PickerPill[]>>


UML Representation of OidcButton

Uses Button.

A button that represents an OIDC provider.


name: string | null

The name of the OIDC provider to be displayed.

url: string

The OIDC provider's URL.


UML Representation of Table

Creates an HTML table element with specific styling.


The full table.




UML Representation of Td

Creates an HTML td element for the table with specific styling.


  • The content of the td.


href: string | undefined

The url to navigate to when clicking on the td.




UML Representation of Th

Creates an HTML th element for the table with specific styling.


  • The content of the th.


label: string

The label of the column.

icon: string

The icon of the column.

class: string | undefined

The class to be applied to the table head.


click: MouseEvent


UML Representation of DynTable

Uses Table, Td, Th.

Creates a dynamic Table using the header and data props.

The header props specifies the columns of the table, while the data prop provides rows of data that conform to the structure of the header.

Type safety of this is enforced at compile time using Typescript.

Can enable selectMode. Where you can navigate to href by double click, and it adds the row to activeRows on click. Removes it, if it is present.


Generics: T extends IRecord[]

header: Readable<TableHead<T[number]> & DynTableHeadExtent>[]

The header of the table. Also includes the icon and the href. When setting this, it's recommended to use the createTableHeadGenerator util function.

data: T

The data that will be displayed in the table.

href: ((row: T[number]) => string | undefined) | undefined

The callback that will be called when the user clicks on the row.

groupInfo: ((x: T[number]) => unknown) | undefined

The callback that will be called to determine if the row should be grouped with other rows, and what info to show

selectMode: boolean | undefined

Is the table in select mode. Aka. Select rows by single click. Navigate to href on double click

activeRows: T | undefined

currentlyActive rows. Should probably bind to this.


UML Representation of DynCard

Uses CardHeading, Card, CardRow.

A card that displays the data of the given header.

This works dynamically similar to the DynTable component. So you should probably use the createTableHeadGenerator util function to create the header.


Generics: T

header: Readable<TableHead<T>>[]

The header of the table. Also includes the icon and the href.

data: T

The data that will be displayed in the table.

title: string | undefined

The titel of the card.

description: string | undefined

The description of the card.


UML Representation of Flow

This component contains a node-based editor or interactive diagram provided by SvelteFlow.

It acts like a canvas. All elements, such as nodes, edges and controls, are rendered inside.


nodes: Writable<Node[]>

Nodes that are rendered on the flow

edges: Writable<Edge[]>

Edges that are rendered on the flow

nodeTypes: NodeTypes | undefined

Custom node types to pass to SvelteFlow.

edgeTypes: EdgeTypes | undefined

Custom edge types to pass to SvelteFlow.

snapGrid: [number, number] | undefined

Dimensions of the grid that nodes will snap onto

defaultEdgeOptions: DefaultEdgeOptions | undefined

Default options to set for edges.





init: CustomEvent<any>

nodeclick: CustomEvent<{ node: Node<any, string | undefined>; event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent; }>

nodedrag: CustomEvent<{ node: Node<any, string | undefined>; nodes: Node<any, string | undefined>[]; event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent; }>

nodedragstop: CustomEvent<{ node: Node<any, string | undefined>; nodes: Node<any, string | undefined>[]; event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent; }>

nodecontextmenu: CustomEvent<{ node: Node<any, string | undefined>; event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent; }>

edgecontextmenu: CustomEvent<{ edge: Edge<any>; event: MouseEvent; }>

paneclick: CustomEvent<{ event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent; }>

dragover: DragEvent

drop: DragEvent


UML Representation of ObjectNode

A node representing a generic event graph object node.


id: string

Id of the node

data: Pick<any, "id" | "uuid" | "event_id" | "distribution" | "name" | "description" | "comment">

dragHandle: string | undefined

type: string | undefined

selected: boolean | undefined

isConnectable: boolean | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

positionAbsoluteX: number

positionAbsoluteY: number

width: number | undefined

height: number | undefined

dragging: boolean | undefined

sourcePosition: Position | undefined

targetPosition: Position | undefined


UML Representation of AttributeNode

Uses HrefPill.

A node representing a generic event graph attribute node.


id: string

Id of the node

data: Pick<any, "value" | "id" | "type" | "uuid" | "event_id" | "distribution" | "comment" | "object_id" | "object_relation" | "category">

dragHandle: string | undefined

type: string | undefined

selected: boolean | undefined

isConnectable: boolean | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

positionAbsoluteX: number

positionAbsoluteY: number

width: number | undefined

height: number | undefined

dragging: boolean | undefined

sourcePosition: Position | undefined

targetPosition: Position | undefined


UML Representation of BaseNode

The base component for all custom diagram nodes. Other custom node types should use this as their container.


id: string

Node id

data: any

Node data

dragHandle: string | undefined

Node drag handle

type: string | undefined

Node type

selected: boolean | undefined

Node selected

isConnectable: boolean | undefined

Node is connectable

zIndex: number | undefined

Node z index

width: number | undefined

Node width

height: number | undefined

Node height

dragging: boolean | undefined

Node dragging

targetPosition: Position | undefined

Node target position

sourcePosition: Position | undefined

Node source position

positionAbsoluteX: number

Node absolute x position

positionAbsoluteY: number

Node absolute y position

class: string | undefined

Additional classes applied to outer div.




UML Representation of CategoryNode

Uses BaseNode.

A node representing a generic event graph category node.


id: string

Id of the node

data: any

dragHandle: string | undefined

type: string | undefined

selected: boolean | undefined

isConnectable: boolean | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

positionAbsoluteX: number

positionAbsoluteY: number

width: number | undefined

height: number | undefined

dragging: boolean | undefined

sourcePosition: Position | undefined

targetPosition: Position | undefined


UML Representation of MinimizedNode

Uses BaseNode.

A node representing a generic minimized event graph object node.


id: string

Id of the node

data: any

dragHandle: string | undefined

type: string | undefined

selected: boolean | undefined

isConnectable: boolean | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

positionAbsoluteX: number

positionAbsoluteY: number

width: number | undefined

height: number | undefined

dragging: boolean | undefined

sourcePosition: Position | undefined

targetPosition: Position | undefined


UML Representation of ReferenceEdge

An edge representing a generic event graph reference.


hidden: boolean | undefined

class: string | undefined

id: string

source: string

target: string

selected: boolean | undefined

animated: boolean | undefined

deletable: boolean | undefined

selectable: boolean | undefined

data: any

markerStart: (EdgeMarkerType & string) | undefined

markerEnd: (EdgeMarkerType & string) | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

ariaLabel: string | undefined

interactionWidth: number | undefined

label: string | undefined

labelStyle: string | undefined

style: string | undefined

sourceX: number

sourceY: number

targetX: number

targetY: number

sourcePosition: Position

targetPosition: Position

sourceHandleId: string | null | undefined

targetHandleId: string | null | undefined


UML Representation of RelationEdge

An edge representing a generic event graph relation.


hidden: boolean | undefined

class: string | undefined

id: string

source: string

target: string

selected: boolean | undefined

animated: boolean | undefined

deletable: boolean | undefined

selectable: boolean | undefined

data: any

markerStart: (EdgeMarkerType & string) | undefined

markerEnd: (EdgeMarkerType & string) | undefined

zIndex: number | undefined

ariaLabel: string | undefined

interactionWidth: number | undefined

label: string | undefined

labelStyle: string | undefined

style: string | undefined

sourceX: number

sourceY: number

targetX: number

targetY: number

sourcePosition: Position

targetPosition: Position

sourceHandleId: string | null | undefined

targetHandleId: string | null | undefined


UML Representation of IconCard

Uses Card.

A card with a slot for content (Icon and Text). Sets the default padding and border radius. You can override this by passing your own classes.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.

icon: string

The icon to be displayed in this card.

text: string

The text to be displayed in this card.

href: string | undefined

The target URL of the Card, which will be navigated to when the Card is clicked.


click: MouseEvent


UML Representation of IconCardRow

Uses CardRow.

A row of icon cards Sets the default padding and border radius. You can override this by passing your own classes.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.




UML Representation of ContextMenu

Uses IconCard, IconCardRow.

A ContextMenu component. A custom context menu is displayed when right-clicking a node.


id: string

type: string


UML Representation of UnreferencedMenu

Uses IconCard, IconCardRow.

A custom sidemenu to display unreferenced objects and attributes. Allows to drag and drop nodes.


objects: any[]

attributes: any[]


UML Representation of EventGraph

Uses Flow, ObjectNode, AttributeNode, CategoryNode, MinimizedNode, ReferenceEdge, RelationEdge, ContextMenu, UnreferencedMenu, Select.

The Event Graph component. Uses the Flow component to render the graph. Uses the IconCard component to render action bar buttons.


event: any

The Event to be displayed on this page.

eventGraphReferences: EventGraphReferences

The event graph references for the event to be displayed.


UML Representation of FilterCard

Uses Card, CardHeading.





UML Representation of Filter

Uses Button, FilterCard, Select, Input, Pill.


header: Readable<TableHead<undefined>>[]

All possible filter

currentFilter: Record<string, string> | undefined

The current filter values. You should probably bind this.


UML Representation of Form


callback: (formData: Record<string, string>) => void

The callback to call on submit.

actions: ActionBarEntryProps[] | undefined

Default save action. You should bind to this.

additionalActions: ActionBarEntryProps[] | undefined

Additional actions to display.




UML Representation of Heatmap

Uses Select.

A Heatmap component. This component is a wrapper around the svelte-heatmap component.


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.

title: string | undefined

Title of this component.

description: string | undefined

The description of this component.

data: dateData[]

The data that will be displayed in the heatmap.

settings: settings | undefined

The settings for the heatmap.

The dropdown settings for the heatmap.


UML Representation of Histogram


class: string | undefined

Additional classes to be applied to this component.

title: string | undefined

Title of this component.

description: string | undefined

The description of this component.

data: histogramData[] | undefined

The data that will be displayed in the histogram.

dataTypes: histogramDataType[] | undefined

The types of data that will be displayed in the histogram.

dataType: string | undefined

the histogram dataType that will be displayed in the histogram.

maxLabelSize: number | undefined

The maximum size of the lable text (in %)


UML Representation of KeyValueEditor

Uses Table, Td, Th, Input.


entries: [string, string][]

The map of key value pairs.


UML Representation of Notifications

Uses Pill.


UML Representation of SideMenuDivider

A divider for the side menu.


class: string | undefined


UML Representation of SideMenuEntry

The side menu entry component.

It can be opened by clicking on it when the parent side menu is open.

When open, all the children will be displayed as subentries using this component.


name: string

The name to be displayed in this side menu entry.

icon: string

The icon to be displayed in this side menu entry.

href: string

The href to be used in this side menu entry.

This is the URL of the page this entry links to.

active: boolean | undefined

Whether this side menu entry is active or not.

Active entries are highlighted visually.

isMenuOpen: boolean | undefined

Whether the parent side menu is open or not.

children: Route[] | undefined

The children of this side menu entry.

Will be displayed as subentries.

isChild: boolean | undefined

Whether this side menu entry is a child of another SideMenuEntry, meaning it is a subentry.


UML Representation of SideMenu

Uses SideMenuDivider, SideMenuEntry.

The side menu component. It contains the SideMenuEntry and SideMenuDivider components.

You can override the default SideMenuEntry list display by using the default slot.

You can also override the logo by using the logo slot.


When setting a logo, do not forget to set the global FADE_OPTIONS constant, otherwise it may look weird.


isOpen: boolean | undefined

The current state of the side menu.

Can be bound in order to change the state from other components.

routes: SideMenuRoute[] | undefined

The routes to be displayed in the side menu.

contextRoutes: SideMenuRoute[] | undefined

Context dependant routes to be displayed in a separate section.

activeRoute: string | null | undefined

The current route that is active.

Should usually be the current URL provided by SvelteKit ($page.url.href).




UML Representation of ToggleModeEntry

Uses Checkbox, ActionBarEntryTemplate.

The ActionBar entry responsible for toggling modes.


mode: Mode | undefined

The current mode of this Entry.

disabled: boolean | undefined

If true, the mode can't be toggled.


UML Representation of ContextInfo

Uses Info.

Indicate context specific information that is displayed as a popover on click.


info: string[]

Contextual info messages.


UML Representation of UserInfo

Uses Button, Info.

Indicate context specific information that is displayed as a popover on click.


userData: { email: string; admin: boolean; }

Information about the current user.


UML Representation of TopMenu

Uses ActionBar, ToggleModeEntry, ContextInfo, UserInfo.

The top menu component.

The search bar and the ActionBar are located here.


mode: Mode | undefined

The mode of the current page. Possible modes are currently "view" and "edit"

isOpen: boolean | undefined

Whether the side menu is open or not.

userData: { email: string; admin: boolean; }

Data about the current user.




UML Representation of Layout

Uses Notifications, SideMenu, TopMenu, Breadcrumbs.

The basic component for the layout of the application.

This Component is intended to be used in Layouts, where the page body will automatically be inserted into the default slot.

You can also override the SideMenu by using the sideMenu slot.


routes: SideMenuRoute[]

The routes to be displayed in the side menu.

contextRoutes: SideMenuRoute[] | undefined

Context dependant routes to be displayed in a separate side menu section.

currentRoute: Route[] | undefined

The current route to be displayed in the Breadcrumbs.

userData: { email: string; admin: boolean; }

Data about the current user





UML Representation of List

Uses CardHeading.

Displays a list of items with a title. You can add classes to an element by passing a function to elemClass.


items: string[]

List of items to display.

elemClass: ((item: string) => string) | undefined

Function to determine the class of an element based on its value.


the classed that will be applied

title: string

Title of the list.

bodyClass: string | undefined

Override the list body class





UML Representation of ListEdit

Uses Input, List.

Displays a list of items with a title. You can add classes to an element by passing a function to elemClass.


items: string[]

List of items to display.

name: string | undefined

Form name for the input.

elemClass: ((item: string) => string) | undefined

Function to determine the class of an element based on its value.


the classed that will be applied

title: string

Title of the list.


UML Representation of Pagination

Uses Input.

A pagination component that allows the user to navigate through pages of a list.


Generics: T

page: number | undefined

The current page.

length: number

The total number of pages.


UML Representation of PillCollectionWithDeleteAndAdd

Uses PillCollection.


Generics: T

add: boolean | undefined

The current mode of the page.

selection: PickerPill<T>[] | undefined

The currently selected pills

deletion: PickerPill<T>[] | undefined

Pills that are currently marked for deletion






delete: CustomEvent<PickerPill<T>[]>

save: CustomEvent<PickerPill<T>[]>

open: CustomEvent<void>

close: CustomEvent<void>


UML Representation of GalaxyCollection

Uses PillCollectionWithDeleteAndAdd, CardHeading, HrefPill, PillCollection.


Generics: T

galaxies: any[] | undefined

The Page data.

selection: PickerPill<T>[] | undefined

The currently selected pills

deletion: PickerPill<T>[] | undefined

Pills that are marked for deletion


close: CustomEvent<void>

open: CustomEvent<void>

delete: CustomEvent<PickerPill<unknown>[]>

save: CustomEvent<PickerPill<unknown>[]>


UML Representation of TagCollection

Uses HrefPill, PillCollection, PillCollectionWithDeleteAndAdd.


Generics: T

tags: any[]

The Page data.

selection: PickerPill<T>[] | undefined

The currently selected pills


close: CustomEvent<void>

save: CustomEvent<PickerPill<unknown>[]>

open: CustomEvent<void>

delete: CustomEvent<PickerPill<unknown>[]>


UML Representation of SettingsEntry

Represents a single settings entry on /settings.


The component/html (e.g. a Checkbox or Select to display in the entry.


label: string

The label of the settings entry.




UML Representation of ActionCard


class: string | undefined




UML Representation of DynActionCard

Uses CallbackEntry, ActionCard.


Generics: T

header: DynCardActionHeader<T[]>[]

The header of the table. Also includes the icon and the href.

data: T[]

The data that will be displayed in the table.

class: string | undefined

Class overload




UML Representation of FilterCard

Uses ActiveEntry, Pill, ActionCard.


filterOpen: boolean | undefined

Are the Filter open

currentFilter: Record<string, string> | undefined

Currently Filter




UML Representation of SelectionCard

Uses DynActionCard.

Display number of selected rows alongside actions for selecting/unselecting all rows.


numSelected: number

Number of rows that are currently selected.

selectAll: () => void

Callback for selecting all rows.

unselectAll: () => void

Callback for unselecting all rows.


UML Representation of ComplexTableLayout

Uses ActiveEntry, FilterCard, Pagination, DynTable, DynActionCard, SelectionCard, Filter.


Generics: T extends IRecord

tableData: T[]

Your initial data

header: Readable<TableHead<T> & DynTableHeadExtent>[]

Your table header. DynTable.header

filter: Readable<TableHead<undefined>>[] | undefined

Your filter header. Filter.header

editActions: DynCardActionHeader<T[]>[] | undefined

Your edit actions. DynActionCard.header

topMenuActions: ActionBarEntryProps[] | undefined

Your top menu actions. actionBar

pagination: boolean | undefined

Do you want to include pagination in the request and in the page. Default: true

maxCount: number | undefined

max number of elements.

groupInfo: ((x: T) => unknown | undefined) | undefined

The callback that will be called to determine if the row should be grouped with other rows, and what info to show

tableHref: ((row: T) => string | undefined) | undefined

The href where the user will be navigated, if clicked on a row {@see DynTable.href}


The row the user clicked. Defaults to the id. You should define this, if your data does not include an id.


Defaults to the id of the row


The href the user will be navigated to

endpoint: ((body: Record<string, unknown>) => any) | undefined

The endpoint where the requests will be sent to.

dataAccess: ((body: any) => T[]) | undefined

A transform function for the response data, after more data gets loaded (by pagination, filter). Default: (x) => x as T[] (no transformation)


response data (untransformed)


The transformed data

fastFilter: FastFilter[] | undefined

Defined some fast filter attributes











UML Representation of AddTagForm

Uses TagPicker, Button, Card, CardRow, Checkbox, Select, CardHeading.


selection: PickerPill<{ local_only: boolean; relation: string; }>[] | undefined

The tags that can be picked.


close: CustomEvent<void>

add: CustomEvent<{ id: string; relation: string; local: boolean; }[]>

createTag: CustomEvent<void>


UML Representation of CreateTagForm

Uses CardRow, Checkbox, Select, Button, Input, Pill.


click: MouseEvent

close: CustomEvent<void>